The use of colored pigments in early forms of body art may have begun many tens of thousands of years earlier than previously thought, according to a study of artifacts found at an ancient archaeological site in Africa. Scientists working at a site in Zambia have found evidence for the use of colors for body painting 300,000 years ago.
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Friday, June 22, 2007
Tongue Splitting
Not for the faint-hearted, this modern body art practice is nonetheless gaining an underground following in the body art community.
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The Agony and the Ecstasy : Body Image and the Modern World
Part One, Tattoodom ComeIn recent years tattooing and body piercing have become ever more vital methods of personal expression for millions of people, especially those of the younger generations. But now many people are discovering incredible new and valuable uses for their collections of individual and wearable body art.
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MOTORAZR V3- Miami Ink Collection
For those that like the body art, you may be glad to see that it has also been applied to cell phones as well. MOTORAZR V3 has launched the Miami Ink collection, which gives you chemically-etched tattoos for your cell. The artwork is inspired by Ami James, the leading tattoo artist on TLC’s hit TV show Miami Ink.
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Tattoo Ink Toxic
"Two chemists have just completed a study that found carcinogenic chemicals are being used as tattoo pigments." Am I going to die for my body art?
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Britney Spear's New Tattoo Mocked
SuicideGirl's Needled News this week looks at Brit's latest body art blunder and then shows what real talent is coming out of the tattoo community.
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"Black Henna" Leaves Massive Scarring
Needled News on pin-up site, Suicide Girls, warns of the dangers and recent law suit against so-called black henna, popular temporary body art at tourist traps.
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Why temporary tattoos can prove fatal
They're marketed as "fun," "temporary" tattoos.But this body art could be dangerous, even deadly for some people who try it...
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Body Painting
Body painting is a form of body art, considered by some as the most ancient form of art. Unlike tattoo and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, painted onto the human skin, and lasts for only several hours, or at most a couple of weeks.
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PICTURE: ***** Piercing
"A la the pierced eyeglasses, here’s a pierced watch that Spinknas had done with 14ga surface piercings by Peter and Brad at Central Body Art in chilly Thunder Bay, Ontario."
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All About Body Piercings
Body art had become so popular in the past few years that it's hard to walk down the street, go to the mall, or even watch TV without seeing someone with a piercing or a tattoo. Whether it's ear, lips, nose, eyebrows, belly buttons, tongues, or even cheeks, you have probably seen piercings, maybe multiple piercings, on lots of people.
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ASL's Continuing Coverage of Britney Spears' Meltdown 2007 Continues...
(Splash)Sorry I haven't posted anything on Britney for a couple of minutes, I was busy crying and shaving my legs by the pool (?!?). Anyway, as of right now - Britney has fled rehab in Malibu. Allegedly, her credit cards have been frozen by her family so she can't accquire any more body art. K-Fed isn't letting her see the kids. He can't see t[...]
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Kanji Tattoo and Body Art Design
If you are thinking about getting Japanese Kanji Tattoo or Body Art, please take a look around our tattoo and body art designs. We offer English words, short phrases and English name translation service to accurate Japanese symbols. Also we have downloadable tattoo designs on our online body art shop.
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ITunes is Killing The Album Format - But Do We Care?
ITunes is killing the album format….but do we mind? The downside for the artists is that their albums (body of art) are being broken up into single songs for purchase and download. It shouldn’t matter how many songs are in a collection and as a benefit, there’s good in releasing 3-4 songs a package as opposed to 10-12 like conventional releases.
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An interesting form of body art where instead of using ink to make tattoos, people simply scar themselves in certain design forms! Cool, and kinda crazy.
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Tattoo Copyright
Tattoos and copyright were the focus of Suicide Girl's Needled News today, all stemming from a new line of t-shirts inspired by David Beckham's body art.
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Marine Corps To Ban New, Extra-Large Tattoos - Such Body Art Harms Image
OCEANSIDE, Calif. -- Five tattooed skulls stretch from Marine Cpl. Jeremy Slaton's right elbow to his wrist, spelling out the word "Death." He planned to add a tattoo spelling "Life" on his left arm, but that's on hold because of a Marine policy taking effect Sunday.
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Marines Ban Tattoos ... No, Seriously
The Marines are banning any new, extra-large tattoos below the elbow or the knee, saying such body art is harmful to the Corps' spit-and-polish image. "I guess I'll get the other half later," grumbled the 24-year-old leatherneck from Eden Prairie, Minn. "It's kind of messed up."
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Marines Rush to Get Tattoos Before Ban on Big Body Art Kicks In
The Marines are banning any new, extra-large tattoos below the elbow or the knee, saying such body art is harmful to the Corps' spit-and-polish image. Slaton and other grunts are not pleased. "I guess I'll get the other half later," grumbled the 24-year-old leatherneck from Eden Prairie, Minn. "It's kind of messed up."
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Critics pan Suffolk's 'extreme' body art ban
Armed with videos, coiffed in pink hair and citing the Bill of Rights, foes of Suffolk health department's proposed ban of "extreme" body art called the measure unneeded, unconstitutional and unsafe.
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worldinflux is maintained by an anarchist, conspiracy theorist, technology inquisitive, socially retarded 30 year old male. He likes body art, Art Bell, and All That Remains.canada, technology, video, conspiracy, 9/11, ufo, apple computer, mac mini, documentary, anarchy, aliens, conspiracy theorist, anarchist, coast to coast, art bell, alex jones,
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Changing definition of tattoos and body art
The art of tattooing seems to be as old as our history, though with a difference. It's being updated following the advancement. Earlier villagers use to get their name carved on their arm. Some use to have 'Ram Chandra' or 'Krishna Wanti' or may pay tribute to their gods and goddesses by carving Jai Siyaram'.
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Very cool collection of body art [pics]
I know there have been links to cool body art before, but here is a new one. Besides, nude painted women are always fun.
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Meet Yann black Tatoo on
Just see once Yann Black' s stroke on a skin and you won't mistake it ever again. Tattooing becomes under his needle a graphic body art and the skin an area of absolute creation. Beetetween the stroke of Schiele and Tim Burton, meets with the most original tattoo artist of the territory
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The Ultimate "Boob Tube"
TV Body Art Each piece is unique and created by the hand of artist Richard Picolli, an artist in today's video world. Mr. Picolli's designs can be seen in Las Vegas Casinos, as famous retail displays, and in homes of the rich and famous.
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State to Appeal Tattoo Injunction
When it rains it pours in Oklahoma. The celebration by tattoo professionals and the Association of Body Art is short lived. The State of Oklahoma announced today that it would appeal Judge Dan Owen’s ruling that tossed out two key regulations within the tattoo bill. According to Attorney Jaye Mendros the tattoo artists and shops have nothing to
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An amazing piece of body art , using only palmssee how nice the images evolvedvery rare pictures for collection
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see how they r paited on the faceamazing, just like a canvasliving images,wonderful
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The Varieties And Meanings Of Butterfly Tattoos
Butterfly tattoos are the most popular tattoo design for women all over the world. Women from all walks of life choose the butterfly for their body art to signify the belief that they are free-spirits, destined to go with the flow of nature. Butterfly tattoos also symbolize the metamorphosis of a girl into a woman
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Michelle, 18, Bombamela Festival, Nizanim Beach
Our sweet Michelle was posing nude body art in the last Bombamela Festival on Nizanim Beach.This festival takes place each year and presents the Eastern culture with wide and different aspects.
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Ford To Offer Tattoos On Its Cars. What's Next...Body Piercings? (PICS!)
Ford has just launched a series of six "tattoo" packages designed by body art artist Milo “Mr. Lucky” Marcel for its Fiesta subcompact. Buyers can personalize their rides with everything from butterflies to skulls to sacred hearts and tribal patterns, allowing owners to better express their individuality. Remember when they were just called decals?
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Whatever Happened to Employee Loyalty?
Minyanville's Justin Rohrlich explains why job loyalty has digressed in the recent years, as well as how body art has become a profitable advertisement. Very funny.
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Petra Nemcova's Sizzling Body Art
She was featured on the cover of the 2003 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, and has also modeled for Victoria’s Secret, and for many other companies in the women’s clothing market.
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Healing Time from Body Piercings
Body piercing has become very popular around the world in the last few years. Many people think about it as creative expression or body art. Body piercing was done as far back as the Egyptians, Greek, and Romans to show their position in a clan or group, or to ward off evil spirits.
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The History of Body Art
The history of body art started with prehistoric humans. Throughout time, body art kept its position as a spiritual expression, and it also became an expression of social importance.
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Shapeshift: Body concept transformation meets reality and goes all wrong
Cora Birk was a 30 something pre-op transsexual living in New England. She had chosen a loose bodyart-as-asthetic model to describe her full-body-concept transformation, squarely defining the shapeshift for herself as extreme modification for spiritual, psychological, physical and emotional reasons. Want to know why I kept saying 'was'? Read on.
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I’m overhelmed by talent of this artist. It isnt’ photoshop(some retouching max), its body art. Or mouth-art?
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