eat your heart out.
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Photos: Man Creates a Giant Google Maps Marker
I suppose it was only time before someone, like Aram Bartholl, make a giant Google Maps marker as an art project
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Lithium-Powered Superbike: No Emissions, 100 MPH, 100 Mile Range (VIDEO)
This bike is a modified Yamaha R1 that is powered by state-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries...
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Improve your photography with classical art.
Learn how to make expert color corrections to your photos using classical art.
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Dirty Car Art
Scott Wade paints images on the heavy dust coating his rear window. Very Cool.
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DeviantArt reaches 20,000,000 deviations.
DeviantArt is a webpage where you can download wallpapers, skins...It's where artists meet.
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Secret Wall Tattoos
The next time you check in to a hotel room, look behind the mirrors, paintings and headboards because you might just find some art. And if you don't, make some.
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LucasArts' Talks Wii Lightsaber Game - approved and in development!
The president of LucasArts and senior VP at Lucasfilm has expressed delight at the thought of a Wii lightsaber game by stating "we're all over that". He claims that they have already played such a game on the Wii and it's a lot of fun. He also added that the concept was in place and there'll be more information out this fall.
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The Late, Great Penn Station (Image Gallery)
In 1963, one of New York City's finest buildings was demolished to make way for a new $116M sports arena and entertainment complex. Pennsylvania Station, the monumental 1910 Beaux-Arts masterpiece was leveled, and replaced with the fourth incarnation of Madison Square Garden. Here are some images of the old Penn Station...
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New pavement artworks from Julian Beever. Amazing Pics
Julian Beever poses with his chalk art. Julian Beever poses with his chalk art. Julian Beever is an English chalk artist who has been creating chalk..
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Whip your MP3 library into shape, Part II - Album art
Last week we took a big step toward improving your MP3 collection by leveling the track volume. Now it's time to focus on album art, which is less of a practical improvement and more of a fun one. If your music library was built from a variety of sources chances are good you've got some missing or messed-up artwork. Fortunately it's not hard to fix
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"Pixelator takes video pieces currently on display and diffuses them into a pleasant array of 45 blinking, color-changing squares. Since the project is an anonymous collaboration, the resulting video is almost entirely unplanned and unanticipated, with the original artists helping to create new works of art without any knowledge of their..."
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Worst box art branding, ever.
I guess Konami thought it would be funny to put a picture of the official box art...on the box art?
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Craziest iTunes 7 Bug Ever
Instead of album art it would display the contents of the screen, in real time. How lovely.
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Photos: One Of The Most Artistic Undergrounds In the World
Stockholm's metro is well known for its decoration of the stations; it has been called the longest art exhibit in the world. Several of the stations are left with the bedrock exposed, crude and unfinished, or as part of the decorations.
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A Tribute to Calvin & Hobbes and Snowman Art
A tribute of all of the wonderful snowman art that Calvin and Hobbes writer Bill Watterson created. The man was a genius.
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DeviantArt Version 5 Live! Finally
After almost a full 24 hours in delays, the webs most popular art community, DeviantArt, has got version 5 up and running!(This link is the flash intro/welcome, site is )
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Making procrastination work - a great life mod!
A Stanford Philosophy professor has developed a method for turning procrastination into productivity. "Structured procrastination is the art of making this bad trait work for you. The key idea is that procrastinating does not mean doing absolutely nothing..."
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How The Da Vinci Code Doesn't Work - from HowStuffWorks
In this article, you'll learn what happened when HowStuffWorks took a close, hard look at "The Da Vinci Code" and how it uses science, technology, art and history.
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Masarati covered in 1,763 lbs. of shattered glass [PICS]
We're torn between thinking this work of Italian artist Luca Pancrazzi is jaw-dropping cool or tear-shedding sad. It's a Maserati Quattroporte covered with 1,763 lbs. of shattered glass – truly a site one does not see every day. But it's also an exquisite Italian luxury sedan sacrificed at the alter of modern art.
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Apple to hold 'Showtime' event on September 12th
Apple today confirmed that it will hold a special event on Tuesday, September 12th at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater in San Francisco, California. An invitation sent to select media, including iLounge, reads simply, "It's Showtime."
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M.C. Escher reincarnated
Some mindblowing art by Rob Gonsalves - mathematician's delightI would call it.
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Force iTunes 7 to replace ALL your album art
You can force iTunes 7 to replace all your album art in your music library, even replacing the old-and-busted low-res album art you found via Google Images.
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Learn How to Swear in Any Language
Whether it's 'culo', 'bun chut', or just plain 'schmuck', you'll know how to verbally abuse anyone in the world with this helpful guide to the art of international cursery. (Ignore the stupid LSFW ads).
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How to Design Great Looking Web 2.0 Websites
This is where I try to sum up the current state-of-the-art in graphic design for web pages, and identify the distinctive features that make a web page look fresh, appealing and easy to use. I'm glad to say that web design in 2006 is better than ever. The examples below (which I'll roll over time) show excellent modern graphic design technique.
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Automatically Find Your Album Art You're Missing in iTunes
Just upload your iTunes XML file and this site analyzes which cds you're missing album art for. It then gets all the covers from Amazon and displays them all. It takes a little while to get everything loaded at first, but is very fast after that.
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Best homework EVER
A guy turns in a piece of math homework that would've gotten an A in an art class.
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Meet the World: Thought-provoking Flags that Challenge Your World View
What if the national flag of countries expressed statistics of that described the nation? An excellent example of art as protest. Prepare to be awed by the artists vision.
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Banksy: Greatest Street Artist of All Time? (Gallery)
Banksy - pseudonym of a well-known yet anonymous English graffiti artist from Yate near Bristol. His artwork are often satirical pieces of art which encompass topics from politics, culture, and ethics. His street art, which combines graffiti with a distinctive stencilling technique, has appeared in London and in cities around the world. [notcot]
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Todd Goliath (Goldman), Art Thief
Step 1: Todd Goldman, world renowned artist who comes up with really gay (read: witty) catchphrases about how stupid boys are blatently steals art from another.Step 2: ?Step 3: Goldman Profits
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Automatically fetch iTunes album art
I love iTunes and my iPod, but I'm anal and I simply cannot abide with not having album art for my imported CDs. This handy utility integrates transparently with iTunes and automatically retrieves album art from Amazon among many other things. A complete thrill.
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The Top Ten Most Misunderstood Movies Ever Made
We’re not talking about abstract, BS French art films or something. We’re talking Pulp Fiction, The Godfather, Scarface. The kind of movies that you assume you understand on a thematic level, but you really don’t.
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Force Effects that even George Lucas can love!
Finally a leaked video of the new technology for the next gen game engines that lucas arts games will be using has leaked for our viewing delight... And viewing delight it is, finally an engine that looks like it could be awesome enough to make even the smallest starwars fan almost shed a tear of delight, and i love the trooper at the end too LOL
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Why Do Great Movies Get Terrible DVD Cover Art?
Why do good films with great movie posters get awful DVD Cover Art? This post discusses the question and compares some recent examples of this disturbing trend.
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An Eraser Shaped Like A Delete Key - Designed by Art Lebedev
The palm-size Tersumus eraser is shaped like the well-known key on a computer keyboard.
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Digg's Front Page Stories as a Hyperlinked Photo Mosaic (UrlyArt)
The screenshots of about 1,000 of Digg's recent front page stories, laid out in a photo mosaic of Digg's logo, and complete with links.
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Hip Hop Isn't Dying, It Just Sucks
Hip hop sales are down. But why? Countless articles have said the problems with hip hop stem solely from its content. Not true. Hip hop first and foremost is a musical art-form. Right now, hip hop just isn’t living up to musical standards. It’s just plain bad.
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Whip your MP3 library into shape, Part I - Level the volume
If you've been playing the MP3 game for more than a few years, you've probably amassed a library that's both sizable and eclectic. It's probably a bit messy, too, with inconsistent volume levels, missing or incorrect album art and messed-up metadata. Fortunately, these problems aren't difficult to correct. Let's start with volume leveling.
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Unbelievable graphic art pictures by Rob Gonzales (37 pictures)
I warn, if you don't have 10-15 of totally free minutes - don't follow the link. These pictures takes viewer to reall misunderstanding of current reality. 37 really TOTALLY PERFECT visual illusions in real graphic ART, not some dots or patterns. P.S. Look with good doze of attention, its not cheap humour. Thats really worth of your attention.
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Longest Picture on the Internet
Amazing graphical art created by various artists merged into one, long, artisitc worm.
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The World's Most Photorealistic Vector Art
If I didn't know it already, I wouldn't discern that the gallery is made up of drawings. Yes! They are NOT photographs.
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Some of the best wallpapers ever
40 pieces of art. All great.Previous exhibitions available(for a total of 75 pieces).
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Photographer's Work Stolen - Used as a Book Cover!!!
The work of popular deviantART photographer, gnato, was stolen and used as a book cover! Does anyone know a good copyright attorney?
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